According to the international safety standards, the laser hazard level is divided into four levels, fiber laser is the most harmful level because of its short wavelength and great harm to human eyes, and fiber laser processing needs a completely closed environment for safety reasons.

YAG solid laser cutting machine has the characteristics of low price and good stability, but the low energy efficiency is generally less than 3%, the output power of most products is below 600W, due to the output energy is small, mainly used for drilling and spot welding and sheet cutting. As a new laser technology, fiber laser cutting machine is far less popular than CO2 laser cutting machine. The CO2 laser has a wavelength of 10.6 um, it is easy to be absorbed by non-metal, and can cut wood, acrylic, PP, organic glass and other non-metal materials with high quality, but the photoelectric conversion rate of CO2 laser is only about 10%.

The CO2 laser cutting machine is provided with a nozzle for blowing oxygen, compressed air or inert gas N2 at the beam outlet, so as to improve the cutting speed and the smoothness and smoothness of the cut.The photoelectric conversion rate of fiber laser is as high as more than 25%, and the advantages of fiber laser in terms of electricity consumption and supporting cooling system are quite obvious. Its green laser beam can be used in pulse or continuous wave conditions, with short wavelength, good light concentration, suitable for precision machining, especially under the pulse hole processing is the most effective, can also be used for cutting, welding and lithography.The wavelength of YAG solid laser cutting machine is not easy to be absorbed by nonmetal, so it can not cut nonmetal material. What the YAG solid laser cutting machine needs to solve is to improve the stability and life of the power supply, that is to say, it is necessary to develop large capacity and long life optical pump excitation light source. If semiconductor optical pump is used, the energy efficiency can be greatly increased. According to the international safety standards, the laser hazard level is divided into four levels, and CO2 laser is the least harmful level.

Fiber laser cutting machine because it can be transmitted through the fiber, an unprecedented degree of flexibility, fewer failures, easy maintenance, fast speed, so in the cutting of thin plate within 4mm fiber cutting machine has a great advantage;However, due to the influence of solid-state laser wavelength, it has poor quality when cutting thick plates.In the field of laser cutting machine, currently showing a YAG solid laser cutting machine, CO2 laser cutting machine biped, fiber laser cutting machines come from behind the situation. With the rapid development of laser industry, related laser technology and laser products are becoming more and more mature. The wavelength of fiber laser laser cutting machine is 1.06um, which is not easy to be absorbed by non-metal, so it can not cut non-metal materials.In order to improve the stability and life of power supply, the discharge stability of high power laser for CO2 gas laser should be solved.

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