Laser marking , laser engraving laser cutting and of plywood

High processing quality with laser cutting and engraving systems •Plywood is perfectly made for being cut and engraved with a laser system •Smooth und precise cutting edges •The surfaces remain crack-free and do not show signs of bruise by clamping •High repeatability and accuracy of fit for example for intarsias •Narrow cutting edges in the […]

Laserschneiden, Lasermarkieren und Lasergravieren von Styrol-Acrylnitril, SAN

Wirtschaftliche Bearbeitung durch CO2-Lasersysteme •Lässt sich gut mit CO2-Lasern schneiden und markieren •Kein Einspannen oder Fixieren des SAN notwendig •Keine Krafteinwirkung beim Schneiden, Gravieren und Markieren – daher keine mechanische Beanspruchung des Materials •Spanloses Laserschneiden und Lasergravieren •Filigrane Konturen durch Laserbearbeitung möglich

Be careful when lasering PVC foils!

What risks and options are there? Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) has become a mass market plastic because it can be produced so cheaply and can be used in a diverse range of applications and in the meantime constitutes around ¼ of the whole plastics market. It is available in two main forms, hard PVC-U (unplasticized) and […]

Laserschneiden, Lasergravieren und Lasermarkieren von Polyoxymethylen, POM, Delrin®

Vielfältige Anwendungsgebiete durch die Laser-Bearbeitung •Passgenaues Laserschneiden und Lasermarkieren von POM •Material flexibel einsetzbar, da berührungslose Bearbeitung •Höchste Präzision und Vorteile bei filigranen Schnitten – auch kleine Losgrößen wirtschaftlich möglich •Gratfreie Schnittkante nach dem Laserschneiden

Laser marking, laser engraving and laser cutting polyurethane foam, PUR

Laser system helps to process rigid foam •Perfectly accurate laser cutting, in particular for printed materials thanks to an optical recognition system •The CO2 laser means that no forces are acting on the material during cutting, engraving or marking, so the material is not subjected to mechanical stresses •Non-contact processing means the material does not […]

Laser marking, Laser engraving and Laser cutting of Polyester

The modern world can´t exist without •Precisely fitting laser cutting especially of printed materials due to optical recognition system •Contact-free and tool-free laser cutting •Clean and perfect cuttings •Even smallest lot sizes as well as middle-size series can be manufactured economically

Laser marking, laser engraving and laser cutting of Polypropylene

A plastic – many applications for CO2 lasers •Precisely fitting laser cutting especially of printed materials due to optical recognition system. •Highest precision and great advantages in filigree cuttings, even smallest lot sizes can be produced economically. •Extremely fine contours and practical radius-free inner edges can be created. •In most cases the laser process with […]

Laser markingand Laser cutting of Polystyrene

One of the most used synthetics worldwide •The surfaces remain crack-free and do not show signs of bruise by clamping •Contactless processing, therefore no stressing or damaging of the material •Laser cutting of extremely fine contours and practically radius-free inner contours •Highest precision and decided advantages in filigree cuttings, even smallest lot sizes can be […]

Laser marking, laser engraving and laser cutting of polyimide, Kapton©

A versatile material used in many technical applications Now also with the economical CO2 laser: perfect cuts –no reworking Minimum oxide formation thanks to our new nozzle and exhaust concept Precision in a range up to 2/100 mm with an optimum price-performance ratio Complete extraction and filtering of the cutting emissions possible No material fixation […]

Laser marking, laser engraving and laser cutting of Polyamide (PA)

An integral part for leisure activities Precisely fitting laser cutting especially of printed materials due to optical recognition system No fabric distortion due to stress-free material feeding Automatic material feeding via a Conveyor System Contact-free and tool-free laser cutting Clean and perfect cuttings Even smallest lot sizes as well as middle-size series can be manufactured […]

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